
Swingdans i Absalon

Velkommen til swingdansundervisning i Absalon hver mandag kl. 18.45-19.45.

Kom og lær den populære swingdans Lindy Hop, der stammer fra 1930’erne og 40’ernes USA. Lindy hop er en sjov og social pardans med masser af energi, som primært danses til swingmusik. Vi skifter partner undervejs i timen, så du kan sagtens komme uden partner.

Holdet er et åbent hold for begyndere og alle andre, der lyster. Du vil altid kunne følge med, også selvom du ikke har været med før.

Swingdans får dig til at smile og grine, og får rytmen ind i kroppen på en skøn og energisk måde. Og måske du kan blive stjernen på dansegulvet til den næste fest!

Medbring flade, glatte sko og måske en ekstra T-shirt til bagefter. Vi får varmen!

Pris: 50 kr.
Lokale: ‘Klubben’ på 1. sal

Betal pr gang, eller køb et 10-turs kort til 500 kr. Med kortet kan du gå direkte op til holdet og skal ikke stå i kø hver gang. Det har ingen udløbsdato og I kan sagtens bruge det sammen to og to;)

Vi glæder os til at swinge med jer
Bedste hilsner Mathilde, Søren og Absalon

Beginners’ Boogie Woogie Weekend

During this two day workshop you will learn a fun an energetic dance from the 50s called Boogie Woogie.

  • Dates: Mars 24-25th
  • Hours: 11.00-16.00 (1h lunch 13-14)
  • Price: 620-850kr
  • Klagshamns Folkets hus, Borrebackevägen 217 ingång på baksidan av Folketshus byggnaden

Boogie Woogie Registration

More information and registration to our Boogie Woogie classes and workshops

More Boogie Woogie Classes

After the weekend you can continue with our five Thursday evening Boogie Woogie course and social dance

What does Boogie Woogie look like?

Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Lindy Hop

Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners’ Lindy Hop class at half past 6 pm and continues with a swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.45 pm.

– Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 18.30-19.30*
– Social dance: 19.45-24.00
– Bistro bar is open: 17.30-01.00
(Members of Cats’ Corner has a 10% discount in the Bistro bar.)
– Kitchen closes: 22.00 (
– Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats’ Corner members*

* These classes are included in the door fee. No preregistration or partner needed to take part.

The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out

Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.

As the dance closes for the night we “wind down” in the Bistro where there is a live jazz club every Wednesday.

This is also the new home for some of HepTowns weekly classes: Take a look at

There will be beginners weekends before the ordinary classes start. Registration will open in December and more information will be available before that at

Moriska Paviljongen är Malmös största oberoende kultur- och nöjeshus. Moriskan erbjuder Bistro, Bar, Kulturprogram och Nattklubb på 4 olika scener i en anrik miljö från 1901. Mer info finns på:

Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Lindy Hop

Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners’ Lindy Hop class at half past 6 pm and continues with a swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.45 pm.

– Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 18.30-19.30*
– Social dance: 19.45-24.00
– Bistro bar is open: 17.30-01.00
(Members of Cats’ Corner has a 10% discount in the Bistro bar.)
– Kitchen closes: 22.00 (
– Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats’ Corner members*

* These classes are included in the door fee. No preregistration or partner needed to take part.

The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out

Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.

As the dance closes for the night we “wind down” in the Bistro where there is a live jazz club every Wednesday.

This is also the new home for some of HepTowns weekly classes: Take a look at

There will be beginners weekends before the ordinary classes start. Registration will open in December and more information will be available before that at

Moriska Paviljongen är Malmös största oberoende kultur- och nöjeshus. Moriskan erbjuder Bistro, Bar, Kulturprogram och Nattklubb på 4 olika scener i en anrik miljö från 1901. Mer info finns på:

Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Lindy Hop

Welcome to Cats’ Corners swingin’ Wednesdays’ at Moriska Paviljongen. The evening kicks off with a beginners’ Lindy Hop class at half past 6 pm and continues with a swinging social dance in Morsikans grand ballroom at 7.45 pm.

  • Beginners Lindy Hop Class: 18.30-19.30*
  • Social dance: 19.45-24.00
  • Bistro bar is open: 17.30-01.00
    (Members of Cats’ Corner has a 10% discount in the Bistro bar.)
  • Kitchen closes: 22.00 (
  • Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats’ Corner members*
  • These classes are included in the door fee. No preregistration or partner needed to take part.


The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out


Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.


As the dance closes for the night we “wind down” in the Bistro where there is a live jazz club every Wednesday.


This is also the new home for some of HepTowns weekly classes: Take a look at


There will be beginners weekends before the ordinary classes start. Registration will open in December and more information will be available before that at


Moriska Paviljongen är Malmös största oberoende kultur- och nöjeshus. Moriskan erbjuder Bistro, Bar, Kulturprogram och Nattklubb på 4 olika scener i en anrik miljö från 1901. Mer info finns på:

Blues Dancing – Social Dance

Christmas and family has been taking our time and we are soon entering a new year.
Tonight is all about having a good time together, in our last social dance of 2017.
No drop-in class, just dancing, hanging out, sharing wishes for the new (blues)year to come.

Price: The social dance is free, but we do encourage you to buy a membership to support The Lighthouse:

Come dance and bring your friends!

SwingShoes Winter Swing Ball


SwingShoes Winter Swing Ball


Vi har den kæmpe fornøjelse at byde velkommen til ét af Sveriges bedste lindy hop live bands, måske det allerbedste. Det siger ikke så lidt, for Sverige har rigtig mange utroligt gode swingbands.

Indgang kl 19:00
Band: Gentlemen & Gangsters fra kl 21:00
Festen slutter senest kl 01:00

Der bliver serveret gratis varm chokolade med flødeskum til fra festens åbning.

Pris til 31. januar 100 kr
Pris fra 1. Februar 140,00 kr
Pris i døren 150 kr
Sted: Vanløse Kulturstation, Jernbane Allé 38, 2720 Vanløse

New Year’s Eve party at Happy Feet Studio!

Dinner Tickets Completely Sold out!

“Party from 21.00”-Tickets still available.

You are hereby invited to the big New Year’s Eve Party in Happy Feet Studio!

Dance your way into the new year with all your swing dancing friends. There will be dancing games, bubbles, Snowball live stream, and much more. The party will be hosted by Kuno & Gosia, who have many fun activities planned for the evening.

The preliminary program:
17.30: Welcome drink is served (will be available until 18.30)
18.00: The Queens New Year Speech (Dronningens Nytårstale) on big screen.
18.30: Dinner is served – Delicious New Year’s eve buffet.
19.30: Les Lancier (for beginners) and other fun dancing games organized by Kuno
20.30: Dessert and coffee/tea.
21.00: The dance floor is open to swingin’ tunes by DJ.
23.40: The classic comedy: ”Dinner for one” (“90 års fødselsdagen”) on our big screen.
00.00: Bubbles served for all! Together we toast in the New Year!
00.30: Mixed lindy and modern danceable music by DJ – The party is open to all!
02.00: Late night Sauna!
(No end time on the party – we party till we drop!)

Snowball live stream:
You will be able to enjoy the atmosphere from the Snowball in Stockholm all night long. We will have the Snowball live stream playing all night on our big screen – so really we will be partying with over a 1000 people!

Ticket types:

Dinner and Party: (Sold Out!)
You get the full experience, from the first welcome drink to the last person drops on the dance floor.
Included: Welcome drink, delicious New Year’s Eve dinner and dessert, midnight bubbles, late night sauna and everything else on the program.
Normal price: 350kr.

Party from 21.00:
Come for the dancing, stay for the good company! You get to join everything on the program from 21.00 and later into the evening. Included: Midnight bubbles, late night sauna and lots of dancing!
Normal price: 150kr.

Party from 00.30:
Join the party from half past midnight and party all night long with your Lindy friends! It’s free!

Alcohol rules:
We know that people might have special wishes for their beverages on such a special night as New Year’s Eve. So for this one night the rule is going to be: Bring your own drinks!
You can free of charge bring anything you will want to drink for the evening. There will be some fridge space to keep it cold, but not unlimited.
Our selv-service bar will be open, so should you run out you can always buy a drink from us.
There will be a Welcome Drink included in the Dinner Ticket, and Midnight Bubbles included in both the Dinner ticket and the “Party from 21.00”-ticket.

Blueskurs med Ali & Birgitta

It’s bluestime!

Blues är en häftig dans som vi borde dansa mer! Solo eller i par, open och closed, långsamt och snabbt, men hela tiden till skön, groovy bluesmusik!

Kolla här för en snygg video med Gaz & Alba:


Ali & Birgitta ger dig en grundkurs som innehåller allt från ett vokabulär av grundsteg, solo-blues, och en gedigen grund av bluesdans i allt från öppen till “closed embrace”.
Kursen ges på 4 tisdagskvällar, 19:30 – 21:00 på Underverket i Malmö. Anmälan under
Vi ses!


  • 7/2 Update! Wednesday Night Hop Light with Coffee and Cookies
  • 12/2 Monday Night Swing + beginners Lindy Hop Moved to AF Borgen
  • 6-27/3 Blueskurs med Ali​
  • 4/4 Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Blues Night
  • 13-15/4 South City Blues
  • 13/6 Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Beginners’ Blues Night

Solojazz för Nybörjare med Angelica

Solojazz, eller “Authentic jazz” som den kallas internationellt, är en systerdans till Lindy hop. Den kan dansas som en del i din partnerdans, eller fristående, bara för att det är roligt. För det är just vad denna dans är: en glädjefull dans som har mycket utrymme för egna influenser och individualitet.
Denna kurs vänder sig till dig som vill bekanta dig med autentisk jazz, eller till dig som har provat på det men vill gå igenom tekniken bakom de där stegen du gjort på Lindy hop-lektionerna.

Vi kommer att skapa oss ett “vokabulär” av jazzsteg som vi också sätter ihop, för att också öva på att lära oss koreografier (vilket i sig är en färdighet och behöver tränas på).

Så välkommen till alla som vill gräva djupare i Swingdansernas värld, få inspiration till din Lindy hop eller helt enkelt vill dansa en rolig dans!

4 tisdagar på Underverket, kl 19:30 – 21. Anmälan under

Switchkurs med Jenny & Max

Switch- and Playtime!
Hur är det nu med Leading och Following? Kan man följa som leader och föra som följare? Och har du tänkt att byta roll ibland men vet inte hur? Ingen fara – Max och Jenny vet och visar dig hur!
Kursen är på 2 tisdagskvällar, 19:30 – 21 på Underverket i Malmö och kostar 300 SEK. Anmälan under
Have fun!

Aerialkurs för nybörjare (och erfarna)

Cats’ Corner anordnar den 22/5 och 29/5 Aerials-kurs för nybörjare! (och erfarna)
Aerials är den del av Lindy Hop som omfattar mer akrobatiska turer t.ex. hopp, lyft och kast. Aerials passar väldigt bra på uppvisningar eller i jam circles!
Kursen kommer att ta upp grundläggande teknik (hållning, timing, landning, uppvärmning etc.) för att arbeta med aerials. Ett par enkla, men effektfulla, aerials ingår men även ett par mer avancerade aerials att arbeta vidare med efter kursen.
Under kursen arbetar man tillsammans med samma partner och därför krävs det att man anmäler sig i par. Ta med oömma kläder, långärmad tröja och gymnastikskor.
Anmälan på

Big Apple kurs med Ali

Vill du lära dig en av de mest populära Authentic Jazz-koreografierna? Ali kommer att ta dig genom Big apple-koreografin från början till slut, och det blir fartfyllt, knasigt och galet, precis som det skall vara! Sedan hoppas vi du vill bara med och dansa koreografin spontant med oss på onsdagskvällar!

Denna kurs är för alla — det är alltid bra om man är bekant med de vanligaste jazz-stegen, men inga förkunskaper av Authentic Jazz krävs, bara nära till skratt!

Kolla här för att se hur Whitey´s Lindy Hoppers dansade koreografin:

4 tisdagar á 1,5 h! Anmälan på


Monday Night Swing + Blues Dance for beginners

The night kicks off at 7-8 pm with a Blues Dance class for beginners with Anders & Malin. No previous experience is needed.

After the class more happy people will join in to swing-out out at our annual social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?

We’ll also bring an extra music box and play blues on a separate “dance floor” all night….

Social swing dance + Beginners Blues Dance Class

  • Beginners’ Blues Dance Class: 19-20 1
  • Social Swing Dance: 20-22
  • Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
  • Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-HepCat-members
  • Swing DJ:
  • Blues DJs: Håkan and Anders

Blues Dance Events

12/2 Monday Night Swing + Blues Dance for beginners
14/2 Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Blues Night 14/2
6-27/3 Blueskurs med Ali
17/3 Balboa Social & Kitchen Blues
4/4 Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Blues Night 4/4
13-15/4 South City Blues
13/6 Cats’ Corners Wednesday Night Hop + Blues Night 13/6

  1. The fee for the Blues Dance class is included in the mandatory entrance fee. There is no preregistration, for this class you can just drop-in and join.* 

Monday Night Swing + beginners Lindy Hop Moved to AF Borgen

NOTE!! This event is moved to AF Borgen due to maintenance work in Gasquesalen at Kårhuset. Back as usual 12/2

The night kicks off at 7-8 pm with a Lindy Hop class for beginners with Håkan & Karin No previous experience is needed.

After the class more happy people will join in to swing-out out at our annual social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?

Social swing dance + Beginners Lindy Hop Class

  • Beginners’ Lindy Hop Class: 19-20 [^1]
  • Social Swing Dance: 20-22
  • AF Borgen, Sandgatan 2 in Lund
  • Map:
  • Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-HepCat-members
  • “DJ”: Håkan

Upcoming Monday classes

  • 12/2 Monday Night Swing + Blues Dance for beginners

This drop-in class is included in the entrance fee

[^1] The fee for this Lindy Hop class is included in the mandatory entrance fee. There is no preregistration, for this class you can just drop-in and join.

Monday Night Swing + Collegiate shag for beginners

The night kicks off at 7-8 pm with a Collegiate shag class for beginners with Alexandra & Tony. No previous experience is needed.

After the class more happy people will join in to swing-out out at our annual social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?

Social swing dance + Beginners Collegiate shag Class

  • Beginners’ Collegiate shag Class: 19-20 1
  • Social Swing Dance: 20-22
  • Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
  • Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-HepCat-members
  • DJ:

Upcoming Monday classes

29/1 Monday Night Swing + Balboa for beginners
5/1 Monday Night Swing + Lindy Hop for beginners
12/2 Monday Night Swing + Blues Dance for beginners

  1. The fee for this Collegiate shag class is included in the mandatory entrance fee. There is no preregistration, for this class you can just drop-in and join. 

Monday Night Swing + Boogie Woogie for beginners

The night kicks off at 7-8 pm with a Boogie Woogie class for beginners with Rainer and Åsa No previous experience is needed.

After the class more happy people will join in to swing-out out at our annual social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?

*This night will feature a bit more swing with a Boogie beat*

### Social swing dance + Beginners Boogie Woogie Class
+ Beginners’ Boogie Woogie Class: 19-20 [^1]
+ Social Swing Dance: 20-22
+ Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
+ Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-HepCat-members
+ DJ: Ingrid Gydmer

[^1]: The fee for this Boogie Woogie class is included in the mandatory entrance fee. There is no preregistration, for this class you can just drop-in and join.*

### More Boogie Wooge?
24-25/3 Beginners’ Boogie Woogie Weekend
19/4- Boogie woogie continued

Monday Night Swing + Lindy Hop class for beginners

NOTE!! The Lindy Hop class postponed to 19:15-20:15 due to examinations taking place in Gasquesalen until 19:00.

Please use the main entrance and do not enter Gasquesalen before 19:00

The night kicks off at 7.15-8.15 pm with a Lindy Hop class for beginners with Malin and Albin. No previous experience is needed. If you have already taken a Lindy Hop taster before, this class will help you strenghten your lindy basics, focusing on follow/lead connection and 8-count figures.

After the class more happy people will join in to swing-out out at our annual social dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be?

Social swing dance + Beginners Lindy Hop Class

  • Beginners’ Lindy Hop Class: 19.15-20.15 1
  • Social dance: 20-22
  • Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the amphitheater)
  • Entrance: 40kr for HepCat member & 50kr for non-HepCat-members*
  • DJ:

Upcoming Monday classes

15/1 Monday Night Swing + Boogie Woogie for beginners
22/1 Monday Night Swing + Collegiate shag for beginners
29/1 Monday Night Swing + Balboa for beginners
5/1 Monday Night Swing + Lindy Hop for beginners
12/2 Monday Night Swing + Blues Dance for beginners

  1. The fee for this Lindy Hop class is included in the mandatory entrance fee. There is no preregistration, for this class you can just drop-in and join. 

Theme class: Music theory for swing dancers

Musikteori för dansare
Vi kommer att gå igenom musikteoretiska begrepp som puls, rytm, synkop, takt, swingunderdelning/triolfeeling m.m. Vi kommer att reda ut dessa begrepp, lyssna på musik och sätta ord på det vi hör för att sedan koppla ihop det med vår dans.

Music theory for dancers
We will review musical theoretical concepts such as pulse, rhythm, syncopation, bars, swing subdivision etc. We will figure out these concepts, listen to music and try to verbalize what we hear and then utilize our new-found understanding in our dance.

Understanding the music is an essential part of developing as a swing dancer. To explain this in the best way we got Johan who is a Lindy hopper and musician by night and a music teacher by day.

Mandatory registration

  • Duration: 1 Wednesday
  • Level: bcDEF
  • HepCat-members’ price for this course is SEK 125 and membership is an additional SEK 50 per semester.

Theme class: Solo Jazz Tranky Doo

During two Wednesdays at Moriska Paviljongen the one and only LinaMaria will teach us the classic authentic jazz choreography Tranky Doo.

Mandatory registration

  • Duration: 2 Wednesdays
  • Level: cdEF (this class is aimed at the highest levels but as we work solo lower levels that are up for a challenge are welcome to try…)
  • HepCat-members’ price for this course is SEK 250
  • Membership is an additional SEK 50 per semester.

Tranky Doo Videos