Moriska Paviljongen

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  3. Moriska Paviljongen
Events at this venue

Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | 1/11

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballroom at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) DJ: TBA Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' Corner members / students Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö Map: Volunteer at the front desk: Volunteering? We often need help … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Social dance | 1/11"

Wednesday Night Hop 18/10 | Tonight: Shag taster | Fast Feet Society | Social Dance | Lindy Hop

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to a Wednesday Night Hop with Cats' Corner, your friendly swing dance society in Malmö Tonight we will have a special taster for those who want to dance fast! Our friends at Fast Feet Society is organizing a taster in Shag between 8-9 pm and it is all included in the entrance fee. Doors … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop 18/10 | Tonight: Shag taster | Fast Feet Society | Social Dance | Lindy Hop"

Wednesday Night Hop 4/10 | Social Dance | Lindy Hop

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to a Wednesday Night Hop with Cats' Corner, your friendly swing dance society in Malmö Doors open: 20:00 - Social dance: 20.00-22.30 (Stora Salen) - Ballroom door fee: 80kr, 60kr for Cats' Corner members - Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö - Map: - Volunteer at the front desk: Volunteering? We often … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop 4/10 | Social Dance | Lindy Hop"

Event Series WNH – LIVE

Wednesday Night Hop – LIVE MUSIC | Take 2 Big Band | Social dance | Live band | 27/9

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballrooms at Moriska Paviljongen. Tonight we welcome Take 2 Big Band to play live for us during the evening! Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) First set: 20:30 (approx.) Second set: 21:45 (approx.) DJ before and in between sets: Ballroom door … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop – LIVE MUSIC | Take 2 Big Band | Social dance | Live band | 27/9"

Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Shag drop-in | Social dance | 20/9

Moriska Paviljongen

NOTE! Tonights beginners Lindy Hop drop-in is cancelled Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballrooms at Moriska Paviljongen. Tonight we have Collegiate Shag beginners' 20:15-21:15 in the smaller ballroom. The class is included in the regular entrance fee and you are very welcome regardless of age, membership, dance ability, with … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Shag drop-in | Social dance | 20/9"

Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop & Balboa drop-in | Social dance | Theme Classes | 13/9

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop in the grand ballrooms at Moriska Paviljongen. Tonight we kick off at 18:30 -19:30 with a one hour drop-in Lindy Hop class for beginners in the big ballroom. Later there is a Balboa class for beginners in ths smaller ballroom, 20:15-21:15, with Ylva & Tomaž These two … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop & Balboa drop-in | Social dance | Theme Classes | 13/9"

Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop drop-in | Social dance | 6/9

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to the season premiere of Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Last Wednesday night hop is the 14th of June. See schedule: Tonight we kick off at 18:30 with a one hour drop-in Lindy Hop class for beginners with Erika & Georg. The class is included in the regular entrance … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop drop-in | Social dance | 6/9"

Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop drop-in | Social dance | Season finale 14/6

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to the season finale of Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. See schedule: Tonight we kick off at 18:30 with a one hour drop-in Lindy Hop class for beginners with Samantha & Håkan. The class is included in the regular entrance fee and you are very welcome regardless of age, membership, … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop drop-in | Social dance | Season finale 14/6"

Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop drop-in | Social dance | 7/6

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Last Wednesday night hop is the 14th of June. See schedule: Tonight we kick off at 18:30 with a one hour drop-in Lindy Hop class for beginners with Erika & Georg. The class is included in the regular entrance fee and you are … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Beginner’s Lindy Hop drop-in | Social dance | 7/6"

Wednesday Night Hop | Shim Sham | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 31/5

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Last Wednesday night hop is the 14th of June. See schedule: Tonight we open at 18:15 as we have an exciting opportunity for you to explore the iconic solo dance known as Shim Sham. This dance holds great significance within the Lindy Hop … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop | Shim Sham | Lindy Hop | Social dance | 31/5"

Wednesday Night Hop 24/5

Moriska Paviljongen

Welcome to Cats' Corners swingin’ Wednesday Night Hop at Moriska Paviljongen. Doors open: 20:00 Social dance: 20:00-22.30 (Stora Salen) Ballroom door fee: 70kr, 50kr for Cats' Corner members Moriska Paviljongen, Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö Map: Volunteer at the front desk**: **Volunteering? We often need help at the front desk. For 30 min of … Continue reading "Wednesday Night Hop 24/5"