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  3. HepTown
Events from this organizer

Lindy Hop Summer Course

Svaneskolan i Lund Möllegatan 6, Lund, Sweden

On this little extra summer course we continue with polishing the basics set during the beginners' weekend to keep you from forgetting it all before the full semester of beginners-continued start in September NOTE! This course picks up where the beginners weekend ended. Thus you really need to take the beginners weekend or similar before … Continue reading "Lindy Hop Summer Course"

Registration: Lindy Hop & Collegiate Shag Classes Fall 2018

Ørnevej 33, Copenhagen

Lindy Hop and Shag registration for the fall will open as follows  Registration for A Beginners Lindy Hop weekends and beginners-continued is already open  Registration for LindyHop C-F, theme classes and 4 levels of Collegiate Shag will open at noon on Thursday the 14th of June. Registrants for the highest 2 (E and F) that … Continue reading "Registration: Lindy Hop & Collegiate Shag Classes Fall 2018"

Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Malmö 1-2/9

Norra Skolgatan 10B, SE-211 52 Malmö, Sverige

Do you like to dance or would you like to know how? Does "gangster swing" and "updated retro coolness" sound interesting? Then HepTown's beginners Lindy Hop weekend workshop in Malmö is the thing for you! ### When & where + When: Saturday & Sunday from 11.00 to 16.00, August 11-12th + Where: Ungdomens hus, Norra … Continue reading "Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Malmö 1-2/9"

Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Lund 8-9/9

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, Sweden

Do you like to dance or would you like to know how? Does "gangster swing" and "updated retro coolness" sound interesting? Then HepTown's beginners Lindy Hop weekend workshop in Lund is the thing for you! ### When & where + When: Saturday & Sunday from 11.00 to 16.00, August 11-12th + Where: Ungdomens hus, Norra … Continue reading "Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Lund 8-9/9"

Kulturnatten i Lund Dansar 2018


På en dansbana på Stenkrossens innergård bjuder massor av dansorganisationer upp till dans. Det blir gratis Prova-på och uppvisningar i allt från Capoeira till Lindy Hop från kl 12 till midnatt. 12.00 Svensk-Indonesiska Bagusföreningen - Indonesisk traditionella danser bl.a. mask dans 12.40 LL DANCE STUDIO - Varierade stilar 13.30 Flower Power grupp - Bollywood Dans … Continue reading "Kulturnatten i Lund Dansar 2018"

Cinema Swing Helsingborg

Röda Kvarn Helsingborg

Röda Kvarn och lindy hopparna i Helsingborg bjuder in till en helkväll med dans, film, passion och glädje! Har du aldrig sett eller testat lindy hop går du med fördel på en enkel snabblektion innan filmen, helt anpassad för den som inte testat lindy hop förut. Skaffa dig sen lite popcorn och sjunk ned i … Continue reading "Cinema Swing Helsingborg"

Swingdans på Kulturnatten till Nanna Carling Swing Band


Som avslutning på Kulturnatten i Lund Dansar 2018 blir det en kort prova-på i swingdansen Lindy Hop och sen socialdans till fantastiska Nanna Carling Swing Band... + 23.05-23.35 prova-på Lindy Hop + 23.35-00.30 Socialdans till Nanna Carling Swing Band Fritt inträde! Fler swingevent och danskurser på www.heptown.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dansgolvet kommer att byggas på Stenkrossens innergårg … Continue reading "Swingdans på Kulturnatten till Nanna Carling Swing Band"

Monday Night Swing 17/9

Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Come and do the Lindy Hop at our weekly social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? ### Social swing dance + Social Swing Dance: 20-22 + Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 17/9"

Jedi mind tricks of Lindy Hop

Moriska Paviljongen Norra Parkgatan 2, Malmö, Sweden

“Who is really leading?” and “What defines to lead and follow?” These two questions are the base of this theme class with Tomi and Philippa. We will explore how follows can initiate movement in social dancing and how leaders improve their following while remaining in the leading role. Working with our listening skills and call … Continue reading "Jedi mind tricks of Lindy Hop"

Monday Night Swing 1/10

Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Come and do the Lindy Hop at our weekly social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? ### Social swing dance + Social Swing Dance: 20-22 + Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 1/10"

Swing Kids & Teens Lindy Hop Weekend

Ungdomens Hus

Helgen den 6-7 oktober är planen att äntligen anordna barn- och ungdomskurser i swingdansen Lindy Hop. Tanken är att (frånsett de allra yngsta) i grunden ha ganska blandade åldrar men att även dela in i mindre grupper för att kunna utmana de äldre lite mer. Detaljer är fortfarande under planering. Men det är redan nu … Continue reading "Swing Kids & Teens Lindy Hop Weekend"

Monday Night Swing 8/10

Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Come and do the Lindy Hop at our weekly social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? ### Social swing dance + Social Swing Dance: 20-22 + Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 8/10"

Audition for the advanced Lindy Hop classes

If you have signed-up for the intermediate-advanced or advanced Lindy Hop classes in Malmö for the first time you will automaticly be called to this audition in spegelsalen at Moriska Paviljongen the 10th of October. ### If you have not signed-up yet you can still do this as follows intermediate-advanced https://dans.se/shop/?org=heptown&event=70483 Advanced: https://dans.se/shop/?org=heptown&event=70484 https://www.facebook.com/events/1079810828810216/

Monday Night Swing 15/10

Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Come and do the Lindy Hop at our weekly social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? ### Social swing dance + Social Swing Dance: 20-22 + Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 15/10"

Monday Night Swing 22/10

Kårhuset John Ericssons väg 3, Lund, Sweden

Come and do the Lindy Hop at our weekly social swing dance at Kårhuset in Lund. Music from the good old days will be hovering over the smooth dance-floor. Where would you like to be? ### Social swing dance + Social Swing Dance: 20-22 + Kårhuset, Gasque salen, John Ericssons väg 3 (enter through the … Continue reading "Monday Night Swing 22/10"

Red Hot Club 29/10: Maria Schilling and her Rhythm Dynamites

Mejeriet Stora Södergatan 64, Lund, Sweden

Vi har den stora glädjen att presentera höstens husband: Maria Schilling and her Rhythm Dynamites som spelar på alla höstens Red Hot Club kvällar. RED HOT CLUB tar med dig på en resa till en svunnen tid, en nattklubb i 20-30talens Harlem där man träffas för att dansa, lyssna, ta något att dricka och äta … Continue reading "Red Hot Club 29/10: Maria Schilling and her Rhythm Dynamites"

Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Malmö 17-18/11

Norra Skolgatan 10B, SE-211 52 Malmö, Sverige

Do you like to dance or would you like to know how? Does "gangster swing" and "updated retro coolness" sound interesting? Then HepTown's beginners Lindy Hop weekend workshop in Malmö is the thing for you! ### When & where + When: Saturday & Sunday from 11.00 to 16.00, August 11-12th + Where: Ungdomens Hus, Norra … Continue reading "Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Malmö 17-18/11"

Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Lund 24-25/11

Lerbäckskolan Öresundsvägen 2, Lund, Sweden

Do you like to dance or would you like to know how? Does "gangster swing" and "updated retro coolness" sound interesting? Then HepTown's beginners Lindy Hop weekend workshop in Lund is the thing for you! ### When & where + When: Saturday & Sunday from 11.00 to 16.00, August 11-12th + Where: Ungdomens hus, Norra … Continue reading "Beginner’s Lindy Hop weekend in Lund 24-25/11"

Dansfest Swing Salsa Tango

Mejeriet Stora Södergatan 64, Lund, Sweden

Årets STORA Dansfest är åter här! Vi börjar kvällen med workshops i respektive dans och erbjuder tre kursomgångar i 2 olika salar (enligt schemat nedan). Efter kurserna fortsätter vi med dans på två olika dansgolv med flera DJs som blandar mellan rytmerna - se nedan PRELIMINÄRA KURSTIDER * Insläppet öppnar: 19.30 (kom i tid, det … Continue reading "Dansfest Swing Salsa Tango"