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LIVE: Swingularity Big Band | Wednesday Night Hop | Drop-in Balboa taster class | Social Dance
oktober 30, 2024 @ 18:45 - 22:30

Tonight we get the rare opportunity to swing out all night to a proper big band! SWINGULARITY BIG BAND is coming to Wednesday Night Hop with their spectacular show:
✨Into the Swingularity: a Swing Dance Odyssey✨
As an extra special treat, we also have a drop-in Balboa taster class for beginners included in the door fee! Come to Spegelsalen (next to the ballroom) at 19.00 and learn this fun fast dance with our instructors Christa & Ylva. (Note that this social dance is not specifically catered to Balboa/fast dancing – the band will be playing a variety of tempos.)
DOORS: 18:45
Beginner Balboa taster class: 19:00-20:00 (Spegelsalen)
Further details TBA
Bandets egna ord:
Swingularity Big Band startades i Lund 2020 och spelar allt från trettiotalshits till helt modernt. Vi vill ge storbandstraditionen plats att synas och höras! Till dans, på fest eller kanske en vanlig tisdag. Levande, nära och fullkomligt här och nu.
The main dance on Wednesdays’ is Lindy Hop, a swing dance originating in the 30-40s in Harlem, NY. But you are always welcome to dance whatever you like or just hang out
Imagine yourself gliding across the dance floor, completely in tune with the vibrant jazz music. Balboa makes it possible as you share a perfect embrace, effortlessly communicating even when the tempo becomes lightning-fast or the music gets wonderfully intricate. The dance becomes a beautiful expression of the music’s rhythms, riffs, and melodies, allowing you to showcase your style and interpretation with grace and fluidity.
Sounds hard? We promise we’ll make it easy!
More balboa https://www.heptown.com/balboa/
Cats’ Corner is a non-profit dance organisation from Malmö. Our main focus is Lindy Hop, but we gladly also dance Charleston, Balboa, Shag, Blues, Authentic Jazz and other Swing dances.
This is also the home for some of HepTowns weekly courses. Take a look at these and lots of other swing dance classes at:
Moriska Paviljongen är Malmös största oberoende kultur- och nöjeshus. Moriskan erbjuder Bistro, Bar, Kulturprogram och Nattklubb på 4 olika scener i en anrik miljö från 1901. Mer info finns på: