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2 evenemang,
Beginners’ Lindy Hop track for youth and students in Lund Spring 2025
Beginners’ Lindy Hop track for youth and students in Lund Spring 2025
Beginners' youth & student track in Lindy Hop, an African American couple swing dance from the '30s Harlem, NY. You will learn enough to dance with us at our social dances, continue on any of our B-levels, and be the sought-after dancer at the next student ball. This particular course is only open to students … Fortsätt läsa ”Beginners’ Lindy Hop track for youth and students in Lund Spring 2025”
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 27/1
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 27/1
Welcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends with a special student and youth … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 27/1”
2 evenemang,
Blues dance Beginners’/Fundamentals course & social dance in Lund
Blues dance Beginners’/Fundamentals course & social dance in Lund
Registration opens at noon Friday the 6th of December The course is aimed both at those who have never danced the blues and want to learn some basics and those who have taken some courses and want to practice them. The goal with this blues circle is to make the beginner feel at home … Fortsätt läsa ”Blues dance Beginners’/Fundamentals course & social dance in Lund”
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund
Tuesday is Blues day! At least for the following. 5 Tuesdays in Lund, starting January 28th, 15h total Blues dance classes: 18:30-19:45 Social blues dance: 19:45-21:30 Ballrooming Basics Close Embrace Ballrooming idioms and show off moves Jookin´ Basics Jookin´ style up / idioms Registration for 5 classes including the social dance Drop-in for … Fortsätt läsa ”Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund”
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1 evenemang,
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 3/2 | DJ Ingrid & DJ Fredric
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 3/2 | DJ Ingrid & DJ Fredric
Welcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out at Kårhuset. Tonight with Swing DJ Ingrid & DJ Fredric New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 3/2 | DJ Ingrid & DJ Fredric”
1 evenemang,
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 4/2
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 4/2
Tuesday is Blues day! At least for the following. 4 Tuesdays in Lund.... The blues dance class has about 30 participants and most of them stay for the social dance in the same room, thus the dance floor is already buzzing from the social dance start 19:45. Come and join us! Blues dance classes: 18:30-19:45 … Fortsätt läsa ”Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 4/2”
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
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1 evenemang,
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 10/2
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 10/2
Welcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out at Kårhuset. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends Registration for tonight: +Season … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 10/2”
1 evenemang,
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 11/2
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 11/2
Tuesday is Blues day! At least for the following. 3 Tuesdays in Lund.... The blues dance class has about 30 participants and most of them stay for the social dance in the same room, thus the dance floor is already buzzing from the social dance start 19:45. Come and join us! Blues dance classes: 18:30-19:45 … Fortsätt läsa ”Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 11/2”
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
1 evenemang,
Lindy Hop nybörjarhelg i Lund 15-16/2
Denna helg är nu helt full och har för ovanlighets skull 3 FÖRARE i kö. Den följare som anmäler sig nu har dock stor chans att komma med i sista minuten om det blir avhopp... Det finns just nu gott om plats kvar på nästa helg i slutet på maj Nybörjarhelg i swingdansen Lindy … Fortsätt läsa ”Lindy Hop nybörjarhelg i Lund 15-16/2”
1 evenemang,
1 evenemang,
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 17/2
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 17/2
Welcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out at Kårhuset. Tonights swing DJs: Anton and Fredric New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' courses and weekends … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 17/2”
1 evenemang,
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 18/2
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 18/2
Tuesday is Blues day in Lund! BUT only for the following. 2 Tuesdays .... The blues dance class has about 30 participants and most of them stay for the social dance in the same room, thus the dance floor is already buzzing from the social dance start 19:45. Come and join us! Blues dance classes: … Fortsätt läsa ”Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 18/2”
0 evenemang,
2 evenemang,
Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen
Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen
Kom och prova på Lindyhop för Swingkids 10-14 år i Cirkushallen på Stenkrossen under Sportlovet 20/2 kl 17-18. Vi kommer att ha ytterligare ett gratis Prova på-tillfälle på Påsklovet 17/4 kl 17-18. Om intresset för att fortsätta är tillräckligt stort planerar vi för en termin på 6 torsdagar kl 17-18, 8/5 – 5/6. Vi kommer … Fortsätt läsa ”Prova på Swingkids 10-14 år | Swingcirkus på Stenkrossen”
Lindy Hop aerials prova-på | Swing Cirkus | Akrobatik
Lindy Hop aerials prova-på | Swing Cirkus | Akrobatik
Välkomna till Lindy Hop Aerials prova-på med LinaMaria & Mattias i Cirkushallen på Stenkrossen! Vi fortsätter sen med aerialskurser på två nivåer torsdagar resten av terminen samt en helg. Mer information och anmälan: More information and registration: Har du sett dansare göra häftiga lyft och tänkt "det där vill jag testa"? Nu har … Fortsätt läsa ”Lindy Hop aerials prova-på | Swing Cirkus | Akrobatik”
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
0 evenemang,
1 evenemang,
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 24/2
Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 24/2
Welcome to Monday Night Swing a social dance where we every Monday swing-out in the big ballroom Gasquesalen at Kårhuset. Tonights swing DJs: t.b.a. New to Lindy Hop? There is no drop-in class tonight but just come and we will have someone spend a song showing you a move or two.... Also checkout our beginners' … Fortsätt läsa ”Monday Night Swing | Lindy Hop | Social Dance 24/2”
1 evenemang,
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 25/2 – Last chance!
Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 25/2 – Last chance!
###THE LAST TUESDAY NIGHT BLUES! but we continue Tuesdays in Malmö The blues dance class has about 30 participants and most of them stay for the social dance in the same room, thus the dance floor is already buzzing from the social dance start 19:45. Come and join us! Blues dance classes: 18:30-19:45 Social … Fortsätt läsa ”Tuesday Night Blues Dance in Lund 25/2 – Last chance!”