
Floozie has been featured in an article in Sydsvenskan 2006-01-14. Read it here (in Swedish)

FlooZie is about two years now and started in Copenhagen by two crazy Gals (Lucy&Donnan;). We wanted some actions for the Gals. Everywhere you see a lot of cool stuff for the guys, they dress nice, there is a lot of stuff going on for the guys, A-bombers and cars-festivals etc. and really nothing for the Kittens.
Our mission/draft is to find the old Retro-style again, holding workshops teaching the ordinary girls how to dress, how to get the right 30s-40s-50s hairstyle + Make-Up. A FlooZie wants to stand on her own, to be able to find her way in life and is not afraid of new challengers.
We came up with the name FlooZie witch is a common prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets, a Bimbo. Said in fun it’s not usually meant in an offensive way! However we have twisted the word a bit, so a FlooZie knows her limit as an aphrodisiac.
We want to experience more and there is no limit of what we can come up with of ideas and different workshops. If there is a lot of enquiry we will work on it. So everyone is welcome to contact us.

Future Floozie Events:

  1. Is to make a car workshop (Fix Ya’ Car Floo). where you learn to shift your deck, check the oil etch. and test yourself. In the meantime there will be a photographer and the girls are welcome to dress as pin up girls. The picture will be used to a FlooZie-calender by the end of the year. So if anyone has a place we can be in, some kind of a car-garage and someone who can teach us, please contact us.
  2. More hair-workshops.
  3. Old picture-evenings.

Among our previous arrangements we created a fashion show at Grand Hotel in Lund in october-05. You can see a video of the finale here (~25MB).

Hairdresser: Peter Andreasen.
“Be a legend and Live forever at the FlooZie-scenery”